Pay ....
"COFFEEorTEA" part of Secret Caché
and specially
using Paypal.

Pay easily with your credit
card, Visa, Mastercard or
your bank
account immediately to
pay the
invoice in a secure transaction environment.
The big advantage for you as
a client that works with Paypal
"Buyers and delivery guarantee" and the payment
method is a fast
and effective.
We received your
payment immediately and
your order would be send the same day.
We charge the Paypal Charges not to you!
Secret Caché 1
2320 Hoogstraten(Belgium)
Adriaan Klaassenstraat 12
4813 AG Breda (NL)
Tel 0031 76 88 90 076
info (at)
KvK Breda 20157945
BTWnr NL821096357B01